What Makes a Great CSGO Map? (VLOG)

ThegeneralideaforthebestCS2radarsettingsistodecreasethezoomtoseeabiggerpieceofthemapandscaleuptheradarHUDsizetomaketheelements ...WhatYouNeedtoChangein...·TheBestRadarSettingsforCS2,Onesuchtweakischangingtheradarshapefromacircletoasquareorevenahe...。參考影片的文章的如下:


CS2 Radar Settings Guide | DMarket

The general idea for the best CS2 radar settings is to decrease the zoom to see a bigger piece of the map and scale up the radar HUD size to make the elements ... What You Need to Change in... · The Best Radar Settings for CS2

CS:GO Radar Settings: Ultimate Guide

One such tweak is changing the radar shape from a circle to a square or even a hexagon. It can provide a more accurate the game space ...

Best Radar Settings CS:GO (CS2) - [EN] BLOG

Additionally, the 'big square radar' option modifies the radar's shape when accessing the scoreboard, allowing users to choose between a square ...

Square radar without pressing TAB! :: Counter

Hello, i'm really wondering that if i can use the square radar without pressing tab. I know i can minimize the map even in the circle one ...

cl_radar_square_with_scoreboard Command Help & Examples

Enter a 1 after this command to make the radar shape change to a square when you open the scoreboard. Enter a 0 to keep the radar a circle whenever you open ...

How to get a square map in CS:GO?

Adjusting your radar settings can make the map appear more square-like. Head into your game settings, find the HUD options, and experiment with ...

Can we get a command that makes the radar square like it ...

Currently there's no command to make the radar square. And another command to make the radar always square would be nice too.

Is it possible to make radar square? : rGlobalOffensive

No, but you can do it in a custom way, you have to create it and swap some files. Look for solution on csgo.gamebanana.com.

CS:GO Radar Settings Guide 2025

When you press TAB to display the scoreboard, a big square radar will appear that shows you the whole map. If you want to turn this OFF, you can do so with ...


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ThegeneralideaforthebestCS2radarsettingsistodecreasethezoomtoseeabiggerpieceofthemapandscaleuptheradarHUDsizetomaketheelements ...WhatYouNeedtoChangein...·TheBestRadarSettingsforCS2,Onesuchtweakischangingtheradarshapefromacircletoasquareorevenahexagon.Itcanprovideamoreaccuratethegamespace ...,Additionally,the'bigsquareradar'optionmodifiestheradar'sshapewhenaccessingthescoreboard,allowinguserst...